【简答题】2015年5月13日上午11时许,微信圈里广州朋友上传当地出现太阳旁边有一个圈的照片,如图所示,这种自然现象是日光主要通过云层中的冰晶时,经过光的( 1 )(填“折射”或“反射”)形成围绕太阳呈内红外紫的彩色光环的光现象,也说明太阳光( 2 )(填“是”或“不是”)单色光,光的三原色是指红、( 3 )、蓝三种颜色光。
【单选题】A positive side of using interpreters and translators is?
The translator can anticipate the other cultures reaction and alter the message accordingly.
There is another party involved which can help mediate any arguments that may arise.
You have more time to think about your next statement while your previous statement is being translated.
【单选题】下列不属于有限责任公司股东名册记载事项的是( )
【单选题】Which of the following word is positive when using to describe your mom?
【简答题】One would have to be a fool to overlook the importance of using positive thinking for you rather than allowing negative thinking to work against you. In recent years, research in psychopharmacology (精...