【简答题】(三选一)【化学一选修3:物质结构与性质】 X、Y、Z、W、Q、R均为前四周期元素,且原子序数依次增大。其相关信息如下表所示: 请回答: (1)R基态原子的价电子排布图为________,R在周期表中位于________区。 (2)X、Y、Z的第一电离能由大到小的顺序为________ (用元素符号表示) (3)含有元素Q的盐的焰色反应为________色,许多金属盐都可以发生焰色反应,其原因是_...
【单选题】The novel is written from ______ experience .
【判断题】The novel is written in a Nigerian language to “bear the weight” of Okonkwo’s African experience.
【判断题】In The Sun Also Rises, Hemingway produces a novel without a central narrator. The novel is written in a journalistic style.
【简答题】The novel is written from a child's _____ (角度).
【简答题】It can be inferred from the text that the novel is written _____. [A] with a mobile point of view [B] with a limited third person singular [C] from Manon’s perspective [D] from Sarah’s eye as a slave
【单选题】The novel is written from ______ experience.
【简答题】The novel is written from _________(person)experience.