【单选题】He was a man of strong feelings, ______ normally lay hidden deep inside him.
【简答题】患者,女,60岁,脑出血恢复期,查体:患者神志清楚,左侧中枢性偏瘫,偏身感觉减退,站立位能伸手够物并保持平衡,但是在外力推动下不能站稳。该患者的站立平衡属于几级A、0 B、Ⅰ C、Ⅱ D、Ⅲ E、Ⅳ 此类患者最常见的异常步态是A、划圈步态 B、剪刀步态 C、慌张步态 D、蹒跚步态 E、鸭步 对该患者进行运动功能评定,可采用A、ASIA分级 B、MMSE C、Fugl-Meyer法 D、FIM E、...
【单选题】患者王某,女,60岁。因脑出血发生意识障碍,查体,患者对睁眼、语言、运动刺激无任何反应,Glasgow昏迷量表评分为3分,可判断患者意识障碍为( )
【简答题】We spent a day in the country and picked a lot of flowers. Our car was full of flowers inside! On the way home we had to stop at traffic lights, and there my wife saw the bookshelf. It stood outside ...
【简答题】听音标号,填空。 inside outside in front of behind beside ( ) A wolf is ____________ the rock. ( ) The birds are ______________ the house. ( ) A donkey is ____________ a _______...
【单选题】患者,女,70岁,左侧肢体无力一个月入院,既往高血压病史,临床诊断脑出血恢复期。入院查体:患者神志清楚,左侧肢体偏瘫,患者伸左手取物时,左侧肩胛带上抬后撤,肩关节屈曲外展外旋,左肘关节屈曲,左前臂旋后。该患者左上肢Brunnstrom分期正确的是( )。
【单选题】What does the survey by Inside Higher Ed reveal?
The freshmen of college dropped 87.9% this year.
All people go to college for getting a better job.
Parents prefer vocational school to college now.
Liberal arts education is more popular now.