将下列语段英译文括号中动词的恰当形式填入空格。 《论语》一开头就记载着的教导:“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?" 这句话包含了极丰富的意蕴,对于我们今天理解和阐明中国文化的根本精神有重要的价值。 "远方" 提示着生活思想观念的差异。中国人向来把来自远方的人当作可尊敬的朋友来看待,并且真诚地相信他们身上必有值得学习借鉴的地方。同时,中国人也希望自己的文化在域外人面前能展示一种魅力。 The Analects (Lunyu) _______ (begin) with the Confucius edict: Is it not a pleasure _____ (meet) friends afar? "Afar" _______ (imply) different ways of life and philosophies. Confucius' attitude _______ (show) that the Chinese have always highly respected friends from a long way off and ______ (aspire, learn) from them. At the same time, there _______(exist) the wish ________ (learn) from them.