【简答题】Both classes of engines are of very similar construction. But as the higher pressure is called upon in cylinders, it has to be of more substantial construction, and is thus heavier. In general, the di...
【单选题】Read the following passage and identify the problem of reasoning.Chocolate consumption can predict the next Nobel Prize winner. A study found that chocolate consumption per capita is positively correl...
【简答题】读四幅气候资料图,回答下列各题。 小题1:关于图中四地气候特征的叙述,正确的是 A.大陆性气候特征最突出的是甲 B.海洋性气候特征最突出的是乙 C.年降水量最大的是丙 D.高温期与多雨期不一致的是丁 小题2:下列关于四种气候类型分布的叙述,正确的是 ① 甲气候类型只出现在亚洲 ② 乙气候类型分布在除南极洲以外的所有大洲 ③ 丙气候类型分布在南、北纬30°一40°的大陆西岸 ④ 丁气候类型在南美洲分...