【单选题】In recent years a number of additional countries have subscribed to the Ottawa Charter.
【单选题】Chinese government may participate more in M&As in China than in other countries.
【简答题】The rising costs of health care have become a problem for man y countries in the world. To deal with this problem, it is recommended that a big part of the state health budget be used for health educa...
【简答题】甲国有企业于2001年公司制改组中,首先自行评估其资产为6 000万元。企业领导人考虑到职工对企业的发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献且有一部分职工将失去饭碗,决定低价出售给职工一部分企业资产,之后又与乙、丙两家国有企业协商,确定由甲、乙、丙三方为发起人,发起设立股份有限公司,拟定股本为980万元,折合为980万股,由甲以其所剩余的500万元认购500万股,乙、丙认购其余的股份(其中含两项工业产权作价出资2...
【单选题】People in different countries have different expectations of what makes for friendship.
【判断题】The term “exclusive license” is often interpreted differently in different countries. y firm wishing to compete so that those firms will not be disadvantaged nor competition impaired.