【单选题】There’s a heavy emphasis on the principle that vocational education should not be a ______ and that it should offer students at least some of the same opportunities as general education.
【判断题】At least some of the difference in pay between men and women can be explained by the fact that, on average, men have attained more and better schooling, men have more job experience, and men may do mo...
【单选题】某购房人从银行贷款50万元,贷款期限10年,按月等额还本付息,贷款年利率为6%,每月计息一次,其每月应向银行还款的数额为( )元。
【简答题】根据溢流阀在液压系统中所起的作用,溢流阀可作溢流阀、 、 和 使用。
【判断题】Watch the video and discuss whether each of the following statements is true or false. 1. The format of a business letter can be casual and informal.