【单选题】In America, if__________friend has invited you to drop by anytime, it is__________best to call before visiting to make sure it is convenient for him.
【单选题】I'm looking forward to seeing you soon. Feel free to stop by [=drop by, drop in] anytime.
to cause (something) to end
to visit someone briefly
【简答题】下面是发掘杭州雷峰塔地宫的一段报道。请将关于地宫打开过程的文字改为概括叙述。不必交代具体时间,不超过 40个字。 上午9点整,考古队进入现场开始发掘。打开地宫并不容易,直到9时45分,考古人员才将压在地宫洞口的750公斤的巨石移开,露出93厘米长宽、13厘米厚的大理石盖板。盖板上没有任何文字,但考古人员在紫红色的泥土中发现了10枚唐开元通宝铜钱。10时5分盖板基本清理完毕。10时30分盖板绘图完毕...
【单选题】In America, if ________ friend has invited you to drop by anytime, it is ________ best to call before visiting to make sure it is convenient for him.
【判断题】“Drop in anytime” and “come see me soon” are idioms often used in social settings and often meant to be taken literally.
【判断题】(para. 2)If you are invited to someone's house, you can drop by anytime without calling before visiting.
【简答题】下面是发掘杭州雷峰塔地宫的一段报道。请用 40 个字左右将关于地宫打开过程的文字改为概括叙述。 上午 9 时整,考古队进入现场开始发掘。打开地宫并不容易,直到 9 时 45 分,考古人员才将压在地宫洞口的 750 公斤的巨石移开,露出 93 厘米长宽、 13 厘米厚的大理石盖板。盖板上没有任何文字,但考古人员在紫红色的泥土中发现了 10 枚唐开元通宝铜钱。 10 时 5 分盖板基本清理完毕。 10...
【判断题】If others say “drop in anytime” to you, it means you can visit them at any time without calling in advance.