【简答题】关于光敏色素作用于光形态建成的机理,主要有两种假说: 作用假说与 调节假说。
【判断题】普通万用表可测试各类型的汽车电路,因为其内部有一个大于10 M Ω 的电阻。
【简答题】1 Life in a big city has become more and more difficult for people to cope with. 2 In a big city, stress is caused by fierce competition. 3 Different kinds of public transport makes it convenient for ...
【单选题】Which of the following is true according to John Dewey?
An individual can exercise very little influence on the cultural tradition into which he is born.
Custom is the direct result of the philosophical probings of a group of people.
An individual is strongly influenced by the cultural tradition even before he is born.
Custom represents the collective wisdom which benefits the individual.
【单选题】对事务 T 要修改的数据 R 加 X 锁,直到事务结束为止,这是 ( )
【单选题】Which of the following is true according to John Dewey?
An individual can exercise very little influence on the cultural tradition into which he is born.
Custom in the direct result of the philosophical probings of a group of people.
An individual is strongly influenced by the cultural tradition even before he is born.
Custom represents the collective wisdom which benefits the individual.
【单选题】对事务T要修改的数据加X锁,直到事务结束(包括正常结束和非正常结束)时才释放。 这个是()