Communication is sharing information between two or more individuals. 1 communication involves so many aspects, failing to effectively communicate is commonplace. Many factors affect the way communication is 2 out. In order to achieve effective communication, the sender must present a message 3 and with enough detail so that the receiver shares the meaning with the sender. Besides, the context for the message will also affect the communication. The context is how the message is delivered 4 the sender of the message. It involves nonverbal communication such as gestures, body language, facial-expressions, and tone of voice. Most of the context for a message is only available 5 the receiver can see and hear the message sender. E-mails, for example, are a poor substitution as they are formulated by the sender without input from the receiver. 6 piece of context is the emotions of the communication participants. Is the sender angry? Is the receiver 7 to the content of the communication or disdainful of the sender? Normal human emotions affect whether a message is successfully shared. Last but not least, the receiver must 8 carefully and intently, ask questions for clarity, and paraphrase to ascertain that he or she shares the same meaning 9 the sender. If the receiver trusts the sender, the chances for effective communication 10