【单选题】As a poor fresh student, he had to do a part-time job ______money.
细胞呈立方形或椭圆形,嵌于 Ⅰ 型肺泡细胞之间
【简答题】按照励磁方式划分,直流电动机包括串励式、 、并励式和复励式四种型式。
【单选题】He wanted very much to run for a second term, but owing to poor health, he was ______to give it up.
【单选题】Owing to the poor health, he was compelled to give up smoking.
【单选题】I am sorry to inform you that your flight E3386?is canceled owing to the heavy ______.?
【多选题】恩格斯说:“当我们深思熟虑地考察自然界或人类历史或我们自己的精神活动的时候,首先呈现在我们眼前的,是一幅由种种联系和相互作用无穷无尽地交织起来的画面。”这段话所包含的辩证法观点有( ) A.联系是客观世界的本性 B.一切事物都处在相互联系之中 C.世界是一个相互联系的统一整体 D.联系既是普遍的又是复杂多样的