【简答题】全面打赢脱贫攻坚这场硬仗,需要聚焦聚力,广泛动员社会力量参与扶贫,携手打造专项扶贫、行业扶贫、社会扶贫 “ 三位一体”的“大扶贫”格局。公民参与扶贫 1表明社会主义民主是人人享有的广泛民主 2坚持了个人利益与国家利益相结合3表明公民基本的民主权利得以保障 4自觉把行使权利和履行义务相统一 A .13 B .14 C .23 D .24
【单选题】The possibility of a midair crash between a drone and another aircraft will further complicated acceptance of drones. Please match the name of the feature with the sentence.
Non-finite forms of verbs
【单选题】巨人、小矮人、千手观音这样的新形象的产生,主要依赖于( )过程。
【单选题】The possibility of a midair crash between a drone and another aircraft will further complicated acceptance of drones. Please match the name of the feature with the sentence.
Non-finite forms of verbs
【单选题】The possibility of a midair crash between a drone and another aircraft will further complicated acceptance of drones. Please match the name of the feature with the sentence.
Non-finite forms of verbs
【简答题】Match the name of a city with that of a country it belongs to:
【单选题】依据团队构建理论, “穿一样的服装,执行一样的命令,做一样的事情,做事情的风格比较接近”这体现组织团队构建需要( )
【单选题】我国首个公益广告创作组织——公益广告艺术委员会 2013 年 10 月 25 日在京成立。公益广告艺术委员会由中国网络电视台发起,并联合其他媒体,旨在汇聚全国公益广告创作力量,创作和传播优秀公益广告作品。这表明( ) 1这种行为是市场自发性和传媒的商业性的体现 2有利于积极培育和践行社会主义核心价值观和社会主义荣辱观 3大众传媒作为文化传播的主要途径,影响着人们的思想和行为 4优秀公益广告有利于巩...
【单选题】The possibility of a midair crash between a drone and another aircraft will further complicated acceptance of drones. Please match the name of syntactic feature with the sentence.
Non-finite forms of verbs
【单选题】The possibility of a midair crash between a drone and another aircraft will further complicated acceptance of drones. Please match the name of the feature with the sentence.
Non-finite forms of verbs