【判断题】The strong axiom of revealed preference requires that if a consumer chooses x when he can afford y and chooses y when he can afford z , then he will not choose z when he can afford x .
【判断题】The strong axiom of revealed preference requires that if a consumer chooses x when he can afford y; and chooses y when he can afford z; then he will not choose z when he can afford x.
【简答题】Read the following program, when the data25,13,10 is keyed in, the correct output is()main(){int x, y,z;scanf("%d%d %d, &x, &y, &z);printf("x+y+z=%d/n", x+y+z);}A. x+y+z=48 B. x+y+z=35 C. x+z=35 D. un...