【单选题】The thick smog covered the whole city. It was as if a great black blanket ______ over it.
【单选题】下列四副对联所描写的对象正确的一项是( ▲ ) 1刚正不阿,留将正气冲霄汉;幽愁发愤,著成信史照史寰。 2千古诗才,蓬莱文章建安骨;一身傲骨,青莲居士谪仙人。 3民间疾苦,笔底波澜;世上疮痍,诗中圣哲。 4译书尚未成功,惊闻陨星,中国何人领呐喊;先生已经作古,痛忆旧雨,文坛从此感彷徨。
【单选题】下列四副对联所描写的对象正确的是( ) 1刚正不阿,留将正气冲霄汉;幽愁发愤,著成信史照史寰。 2千古诗才,蓬莱文章建安骨;一身傲骨,青莲居士谪仙人。 3民间疾苦,笔底波澜;世上疮痍,诗中圣哲。 4译书尚未成功,惊闻殒星,中国何人领呐喊;先生已经作古,痛忆旧雨,文坛从此感彷徨。
【单选题】On the day ______ to Typhoon Meranti, the whole city was in a terrible mess.
【单选题】The thick smog covered the whole city.It was even if a great black blanket that had been thrown over it.
【单选题】The thick smoke covered the whole city. It was _____ a great black blanket had been thrown over it.
【单选题】并行数据通信时指以( )为单位的数据传输方式。
【单选题】The whole city was blanketed by fog.