Language as activity refers not to the ability in our minds, but to the actions that we do with language at a given moment. In our everyday lives we do not use the whole of language. Rather, we use whatever bits and pieces that seems most appropriate for the 51. __________ situation. An essay we write might be two pages, ten pages, or much more longer, but it could never use all the words we have in our 52. __________ vocabulary (let alone all those in the dictionary). Imagine that you are walking across campus and run into a professor who gives you a bad grade last semester. Perhaps you will reluctant say “hi” and hurry off. Brief as it is, this is a 53. __________ complete example of one use of language for activity. 54. __________ A key concept relating to language both as system or as activity 55. __________ is what of discourse. Discourse always carries out specific functions 56. __________ in person-to-person encounters, the kind we have zillion of each 57. __________ day. Thus discourse often takes place in whichever we do with another people, whether it is a primarily language-based activity 58. __________ as shouting, chatting, lecturing or writing, or a non-linguistic activity 59. __________ such as gazing, whistling or even fist fighting, that is often 60. __________ accompanied by language use.