【单选题】人格的核心部分,受意识倾向性制约,下列哪项能反映一个人的生活经历和本质属性的人格特征( )
【简答题】读某区域示意图及M城气候统计图,完成1~2题。 1.M城建于1870年,是该国北部最大的城市,促其形成的主要区位因素最可能是 [ ] A.矿产资源开发 B.淡水资源丰富 C.海运交通便利 D.气候温和多雨 2.下列关于M城气候的叙述,正确的是 [ ] A.气候类型属于地中海气候 B.气候特征为终年高温少雨 C.气温年较差小主要受纬度和寒流影响 D.7~9月气温较低主要原因是云层多
【简答题】(22分)读下列某区域图回答有关问题。 (1)比较A、B两地气候差异,并简要分析B地气候的主要形成原因。(12分) (2)C河是图示区域最大的河流,简述该河的水文特征。(6分) (3)分别写出B附近山脉东西两侧自然带名称: 东侧: 西侧:
【单选题】In 1972, psychologist Richard Bootzin introduced a new method- the stimulus control approach- which was designed to re-associate the bed and bedroom with sleep. Bootzin theorized that when the timing ...
Bootzin maintained if sufferers link unsuccessful sleep attempts with their bedroom environment, then they will experience some relief from insomnia.
Bootzin hypothesized that insomniacs continue to suffer because they associate unsuccessful sleep attempts with their sleeping habit and bedroom environment.
Bootzin’s assumptions were that insomnia stems from the timing of one’s nightly routine and bedroom setup, leading to repeated unsuccessful sleep attempts.
Bootzin’s theory explain s that if treatment is sought early on, insomnia suffers will begin to link their bedroom environment to sleep and find rest.
【多选题】Speakers of stressed-timed languages such as 【 】 and 【 】 put roughly equal time lags between stressed syllables, with the timing of the unstressed syllables in between them being adjusted to accommoda...
【判断题】In evaluating a promotion, if the brand's share had returned to the old level, then the promotion would have changed only the timing of demand rather than the total demand.
has three ________.A. brother-in-law B. brothers-in-law C. brother-in-laws D. brothers-in-laws
【单选题】如果要在同一列的连续单元格中使用相同的计算公式,可以先在第一个单元格中输入公式,然后用鼠标拖动单元格的( )来实现公式的复制。