【判断题】对未取得《医疗机构执业许可证》擅自执业的,责令其停止执业活动,没收非法所得和药品、器械、并处以五千元以下的罚款。( )
【简答题】The appeal of first wave feminist movement is represented by basic socio-political rights such as suffrage, which is ______________.
【简答题】An automobile is a kind of road vehicle that is driven by an ________ . Automobiles have ________ overal structures , but the _______ structures are the same. An automobile has about _______ different...
【多选题】What is the nature of death?
The dead canno come back to life.
The overal decline of organs, tissues, cells of human body that announces the end of life.
An irreversible process
The end, termination or vanishing of life
【简答题】出卖、转让、出借《医疗机构执业许可证》的()。|未取得《医疗机构执业许可证》擅自执业的()。|诊疗活动超出登记范围的()。A. 可以根据情节处以1万元以下的罚款B. 可以处以5000元以下的罚款C. 可以处以3000元以下的罚款D. 可以处以1000元以下的罚款E. 可以处以2000元以下的罚款
【单选题】李某,未取得医疗机构执业许可证擅自开展诊疗活动,给患者造成伤害,根据的规定,可给予( )罚款。
【单选题】某县卫生局针对某美容院未取得《医疗机构执业许可证》擅自医疗美容执业的,对其执行的卫生行政处罚不应有的是( )