【简答题】直接法是直接利用检索工具(系统)检索文献信息的方法,这是文献检索中最常用的一种方法。它又分为 顺查法 、倒查法和( )。
【判断题】Thedescriptionfor the entry in the sales account for a sale for a sales tax registered trader is to credit the sales account with the total of sales made, including sales tax
【单选题】以下哪类疾病是由于MHC -II类分子表达缺陷引起的?
【单选题】Sales for a business were 3 million dollars more the second year than the first, and sales for the third year were double the sales for the second year. If sales for the third year were 38 million dol...
【单选题】中年男性,饮酒2小时后出现上腹部疼痛伴发热,查体:中上腹压痛(+),反跳痛(+),化验血尿淀粉酶均升高,最可能的疾病为( )。