【单选题】“低碳经济、低碳生活”已成为社会发展和家庭生活的主流.下列行为不符合“低碳”理念的是( )
【单选题】堤防平面图中主要标示了临背河护堤地边界线、堤脚线、( )等。
【单选题】“低碳经济,低碳生活”的内涵之一是减少二氧化碳的排放。下列行为不符合“低碳”理念 的是 [ ]
【单选题】下列哪种形态肿瘤是恶性肿瘤的可能性大?( )
【单选题】He was silent with conceit of his son, Mrs. Morel sniffed, as if it were nothing"(sons and lovers by D. H. Lawrence) Form the above quotation, we can see that Mrs. Morel's attitude to her husband is _...
【单选题】“He was silent with conceit of his son. Mrs. Morel sniffed, as if it were nothing.”(Sons and Loversby D.H.Lawrence)From the above quotation, we can see that Mrs. Morel's attitude to her husband is ___...
【单选题】“低碳经济,低碳生活”内涵之一是减少二氧化碳的排放,已成为社会发展和家庭生活的主流.下列行为不符合“低碳”理念的是( )
【单选题】“低碳经济,低碳生活”已成为社会发展的主流。下列行为不符合“低碳”理念的是 [ ]