【单选题】_____ according to the instructions, the robot can behave like a human being with average IQ.
【单选题】Human being is the only species that understands the concept of risk, so we can avoid exposing ourselves to real dangers.
【简答题】某孕妇,孕5/0,孕期顺利,孕40周,自然临产,阴道顺娩一活女婴,体重3600g,胎儿娩出后30分钟,胎盘仍未娩出,阴道有少量鲜红色出血。 以下哪项不是胎盘剥离的指征A.宫体变硬,呈球形,宫底上升,达脐上 B.阴道口外露的一段脐带自行延长 C.阴道羊水量出血 D.按压耻骨联合上方,宫体上升,外露的脐带不再回缩 E.按压耻骨联合上方,宫体上升,外露的脐带明显回缩 导致三程延长的原因不包括A.胎盘滞留...
【单选题】假如一个城市只有一个盛行风时,且与此相对的方向风频最小,那么工业用地和居民用地应分别位于( )方向比较合适。
【单选题】假如一个城市只有一个盛行风时,且与此相对的方向风频最小,那么工业用地和居民用地应分别位于( )方向比较合适。
【单选题】It can be inferred from the passage that ______.
most sharks are dangerous to human beings
sharks only attack someone in black wet suits
movies and popular novels are always misleading
sharks are a valuable resource for human beings