The most common type ofstart-up funding is a bank loan. In order to qualify for this type of loan, youhave to have a good business plan that shows you will be able to make theminimum payments on your loan each month. Anotherway to try to get the start-up financing you need is the Small BusinessAdministration. The Small Business Administration helps you learn how to applyfor loans. They do not provide the loans, but they can point you in the rightdirection and help you prepare to present your business to potential lenders.They will also teach you the requirements for being approved for businessfinancing. Manypeople who are looking forward to starting a business but cannot get a loanfrom a bank turn to their family and their friends. However, you need to treatthis as a loan in the same way you would do with a loan from a bank. Draw up acontract and make a minimum monthly payment amount that you will stick to! Thefinal way to seek start-up financing for your small business idea is through atraditional venture capital firm, or an individual known as an angel investor.These types of investors will give you the capital you need in return for apartial ownership in the company or business you are starting. They do nottypically invest in average small business, but are rather looking for abusiness that has the potential to become the next hot item or service. If,however, you have a great technology idea, then a venture capitalist or anangel investor may work for you.