【判断题】小功率二极管在进行焊接时,电烙铁功率不应大于45W,焊接时间一般不超过30s。( )
【单选题】Because of his degree, he refused to do ______ he thought “low” work.
【判断题】The author would have to pass statistics before he could get his degree.
【简答题】He decided to pursue his study after he had obtained his first degree. obtain:
【判断题】在投资决策的现金流量分析中应将投产后产品的增值税考虑在内。 ( )
【单选题】_____ his degree, he began to work for a large state-owned corporation.
【单选题】_____his degree, he began to work for a large state-owned corporation.