Many people often _______ are afraid of at least one type of animal. You can know a person for years. You can think you know everything about them, but then one day, you are with the person when they catch _______ of a picture in a magazine. Quick as a flash, the magazine is flying across the room, thrown from their hands in fear. The pages fall open again, _______ a photo of a nasty looking snake. Another scream and then you realize your friend has an animal phobia. Or another friend turns down your invitation to _______ you and the children to the zoo. Know, they are sorry, but they are really busy, really tired, really. And in the end, they tell you, actually, they are simply afraid you will make them go into the spider house and you and the children will see just how scared they really are of our eight-leg friends. It is true there are some fears of animals out there. The spider as _______, the snake and the great white shark, are all out there on the top ten of the world’s most feared animals. And it’s not difficult to see why. The thought of a great white shark keeps many people on the beaches and out of the ocean. Growing to over five meters long with hundreds of teeth and a desire to eat fresh flesh, whether it be fish, seal, _______ or astray human, these animals are high on the list of most feared animals. It does not however, make many people feel better when they learn that great white sharks are responsible for fewer than 20 human deaths per year. Then there’s the snake. Now these are responsible for many human deaths, up to 100,000 annually. _______ and understandably, over half the human population is afraid of snakes, though they could perhaps be more _______ with their fear. Only 10% of all snakes are deadly, the others just looking. Spiders are another of the top favorites for fearing and this fear can be more powerful and more controlling than the others. Spiders after all are everywhere inside houses as well as out. But although there are many different types of spiders, like snakes, only a few actually bite humans. And only 5 types are _______ enough to kill human. So when your friend is having a panic attack about the shark, the snake or the deadly spider they will never meet, it is worth reminding them that in the US, on average, these animals are responsible on 1, 5.5 and 6.5 human deaths per year _______. On the other hand, it is men’s best friends—the dog that is responsible for 31 US deaths annually. Know your friend, know your enemy.