【判断题】A usual economic bounce back in the consumer sector is about 70%
【单选题】The usual lists of Asia’s economic virtues include (1) small government, (2) high rates of saving and investment, and (3) export . ______Fine qualities all, but let’s examine the realities.
【单选题】下列各项中,属于会计科目设置原则的有()。 1 相关性原则;2 实用性原则;3 合法性原则;4 真实性原则。
【单选题】Which type of strucure is the usual one based on which the stories of economic activities progress?
company planned an economic strategy + background information of the strategy
Background information of the strategy + a company planned an economic strategy
【单选题】Which type of structure is a usual one based on which the stories of economic problems progress?
Description of the problem + outcome or resolution + a company encountered an economic problem
A company encountered an economic problem + description of the problem + outcome or resolution
【多选题】下列各项中,属于会计分录要素的有( )。