【单选题】苏联教育家苏霍姆林斯基曾说过:“宽恕触及儿童自尊心的最敏感的角落,使儿童心灵中产生要改正错误的意志力。”这启示我们要坚持( )。
【单选题】若系统中有15台绘图仪,有多个进程均需要使用3台,规定每个进程一次仅允许申请一台,则至多允许( )个进程参于竞争,而不会发生死锁。
【单选题】How much living space does a person need? What happens when his space needs are not met? Scientists are experiments on rats to try to determine the efforts of over crowded conditions on man. Re...
a person's living space needs
equipment and conditions
population and violence
【单选题】如有函数定义:void func(int x = 0, int y = 0){ …. },则下列函数调用中会出现问题的是( )
【简答题】英译汉 When you go to university to study for a degree, you have decided to study professionally, rather than as an .
【单选题】若系统中有 7 台绘图仪,有多个进程均需要使用两台,规定每个进程一次仅允许申请一台,则至多允许( )个进程参于竞争,而不会发生死锁。