【简答题】清洗泵,俗称( ),作用是将( )加压,通过输液管和( )喷洒到挡风玻璃表面。它是由一个( )和液压泵组成。
【简答题】某批产品的次品率为 0.1 ,连续抽取 10000 件, 表示其中的次品数,用中心极限定理计算得 ___________ .
【单选题】Students are not allowed to ______ for the final exam if they have missed one third of the classes.
【判断题】语言学家 Poplack 具体区分了三种类型的语码转换:句间语码转换、句内语码转换和附加语码转换。
【单选题】It can be inferred that______.
people are not allowed to drive after they drink one quarter in the evening
people are still allowed to drive after they drink one quarter in the evening
people are still allowed to drive after they drink out pint at lunch-time