【简答题】Complete the letter of acceptance according to the invitation below.
【简答题】2010年9月22日网易探索栏目记者在巴西牧场采访,看到牛群正在伤痕累累的土地上吃草,这里曾是茂密的亚马孙雨林,放牧导致巴西亚马孙流域的森林采伐每年吞噬掉数千平方英里不可替代的林地。据此完成5~7题: 小题1:热带雨林生态系统区别于其他生态系统的优势表现在 ①雨林光合作用强烈 ②生物循环旺盛 ③生物生长迅速 ④养分...
【简答题】The following is a personal letter written by a young girl to her best friend describing the holiday she has just taken. Complete the letter by using the information given below, and translating the C...
【简答题】Complete the letter with the correct comparative or superlative form.
【简答题】Use the following words to complete the letter below. A. colleagues B. substantial C. satisfaction D. after-sales service E. backlog F. valued customer G. inconvenience H. va...