【单选题】Choose the verb from the list that best fits with all the nouns in each group. (__________) activity, progress, a situation
【单选题】Choose the verb from the list that best fits with all the nouns in each group. ____ courses, buildings, clothes, systems
【单选题】Choose the verb from the list that best fits with all the nouns in each group. ____ effects, alternatives, effectiveness, evidence
【单选题】李阿姨出门遛弯的时候发现她家小区对面的乐器店正挂着 “清仓”的标志。李阿姨非常开心,她早就看中了里面一架钢琴。她进去之后发现钢琴上摆着一个牌子写着“一折” 李阿姨太高兴了,她记得之前问过这架钢琴的价格是 19000 元,立马表示愿意支付购买。售货员小王感觉这个折扣有问题,很可能是摆错了,问李阿姨这个合同可以成立吗?
【单选题】Why is it better to use a strong verb than to use a noun?
【单选题】A 'disadvantaged' child is one ______.
who is incapable of learning well
who comes from a deprived home environment
whose parents are poor and segregated
【简答题】(b) Explain the need for a first time group auditor to yse the group structure. (5 marks)
【单选题】A child who lives in an uninteresting environment will develop less intelligence than ______ who lives in a rich and changing environment.