【多选题】患者,男,5岁。左下肢肿胀不适,可见下肢浅静脉蜿蜒迂曲。左大腿内侧可扪及大隐静脉扩张,内踝处皮肤有浅褐色色素沉着。浅静脉瓣膜功能及交通支瓣膜功能试验均阳性。术后护理措施包括( )
【单选题】——Why don‘t you go to medical! college and be a doctor‘?. ——Because it calls for a great deal of __________ , which I doN‘t have.
【简答题】A. 若实体A和B是一对多的联系,实体B和C是一对一的联系,则实体A和C的联系是( )。 B. 一对一 C. 一对多 D. 多对一
【简答题】病历摘要:患者,男, 49岁。近1月以来活动后下肢沉重、乏力,伴双下肢肿胀入院。10年前发现双下肢小腿内侧静脉迂曲、扩张,呈“蚯蚓状”改变,久站后酸胀疼痛明显,平卧后可消失,无特殊不适。查体:T36.2°C,P次/分,R18次/分,BP135/80mmHg。左小腿外侧见3cm×3cm皮肤损伤,伴有瘙痒和少量渗液。遵医嘱给予抬高双下肢。初步诊断:双下肢静脉曲张。患者多次拒绝“穿弹力袜”的建议...
【单选题】When college students _____ future employment, they often think of status, income, and prestige.
【单选题】The college education system should be reformed ______ it can follow the pace of the economic de
32. The college education system should be reformed ______ it can follow the pace of the economic development. A.so long as