【简答题】甲因飞机失事下落不明被宣告死亡,其一间私房被其配偶乙继承。乙与丙再婚,并将所继承私房出租。实际上甲有幸生还,五年后回来,要求乙返还房屋,引发纠纷。经查,乙共收租金2万元。下列表述正确的是( )。
【简答题】甲因飞机失事下落不明被宣告死亡,其一间私房被其配偶乙继承。乙与丙再婚,并将所继承私房出租。实际上甲有幸生还,五年后回来,要求乙返还房屋,引发纠纷。经查,乙共收租金2万元。下列表述正确的是( )。
【简答题】以下程序运行时能输出数据,则为x输入的最小是_________。 #include int main()
{ int x ;
scanf( " %d " , & x ); if (++ x %2 == 0 ) if (++ x %3 == 0 ) if (++ x %7 == 0 ) printf ( " %d " , x ); return 0 ;
【单选题】Which of the following statement is correct about induction or deduction?
Induction begins with a general principle or preme.
Deduction follows bottom-up direction.
Induction is from the general the specific.
Induction supports a general conclusion by examine specific facts or cases.
【简答题】In recognition of donations ______ the National Museum, we will allow a tax deduction of up to twice the value of the donation.
【简答题】Only through the intellectual activities of logical thinking such as judgement, inference, deduction, induction, synthesis and sublimation etc., namely a process of discarding the dross and selecting ...
【单选题】甲因飞机失事下落不明被宣告死亡,其一问私房被其配偶乙继承。乙与丙再婚,并将所继承私房出租。实际上甲有幸生还,五年后回来,要求乙返还房屋,引发纠纷。经查,乙共收租金2万元。下列表述正确的是( )。
【单选题】甲被宣告死亡,其配偶乙与丙再婚后丙死亡。现甲返回住所地,经本人申请撤销了对甲的死亡宣告。因甲、乙均为单身,双方的夫妻关系( )。
【单选题】甲因飞机失事下落不明被宣告死亡,其一间私房被其配偶乙继承。乙与丙再婚,并将所继承私房出租。实际上甲有幸生还,五年后回来,要求乙返还房屋,引发纠纷。经查,乙共收租金2万元。下列表述正确的是( )。