【单选题】I'd rather you _____ that.
【单选题】It is time that you __home and I'd rather you__ again tomorrow.
【单选题】Japan was the first ______ network operators in 2001.
【简答题】Passage Two The audio players of today have their roots in the Sony Walkman brand. Aside from radio devices, Sony was the first to introduce a portable music player. The first Walkman devices used mag...
【简答题】一台抽水机用的电动机的功率为2.8 kW,每天运行6个小时,问一个月(30天)消耗多少电能?
【简答题】用一台功率为40kW的电动机带动水泵抽水,供给高出水面24m的水箱,已知水箱容积为50m 3 ,整个抽水装置的机械效率为60%. 求:(1)水箱充满水后,水箱内水的质量; (2)把空水箱充满水,抽水装置做的总功; (3)需多长时间才能把空水箱注满水.(g取10N/kg)
【简答题】春耕时节,开发区某村用一台小型水泵抽水灌溉农田,水泵可以将水从低处抽到高处,水泵的电动机额定电压为220V,该水泵单独接在电路中正常工作30min,电能表表盘示数由2008.6kW?h变为2010.6kW?h,求: (1)水泵的电动机此时的功率是多少? (2)水泵的电动机工作电流是多大? (3)若水泵的电动机消耗的电能全部用来抽水,可将重为多少牛的水提升10m?
【单选题】What was the man's first job in Japan?
He taught English at a community college.
He taught the students how to cook in English
He worked as a language teacher in Tokyo.
He taught culinary arts at a private school