【简答题】蒲松龄(10——1715) 代小说家,字留仙,一字剑臣,号 ,淄川人。《聊斋志异》是一部 小说集,共有短篇小说491篇。
【单选题】Which of the following can be a proper summary of the last paragraph of the passage?
The world will soon be made unbelievable by the groundless cooked-up miracles and wonders.
There will be more and more people in the world who will become cheaters.
There will be more and more people who will be able to create what seemed impossible years ago.
Nobody knows what the future world would be like with the fast development of modern science and technology.
【单选题】原噬菌体(整合到宿主基因组的噬菌体基因组)是自私DNA。这是因为( )。
【单选题】原噬菌体(整合到宿主基因组的噬菌体基因组)是自私DNA,这是因为( )。
【判断题】《聊斋志异》是我国第一部优秀的文言短篇小说集,作者是清代著名小说家蒲松龄。( )
【单选题】原噬菌体(整合到宿主基因组的噬菌体基因组)是自私DNA。这是因为( )。
【单选题】Which of the following can be regarded as a summary ?