【简答题】有以下程序 #include void main() { char c1,c2; scanf("%d",&c1); c2=c1+9; printf("%c%c\n",c1,c2); } 若程序运行时从键盘输入48,则输出结果为
【单选题】以下程序运行时,若从键盘输入 9,则输出结果 是 ( ) 。 #inlude int main() { int a=1 ; scanf(" %d ",&a); if(a++<9) printf(" %d\n ",a); else printf(" %d\n ",a); return 0; }
【单选题】以下程序运行时,若从键盘输入9,则输出结果是_______。 main() { int a=1; scanf("%d",&a); if(a++<9) printf("%d\n",a); else printf("%d\n",a); }
【单选题】The main disadvantage(s) of informal techniques used for aggregate planning is(are):
they are expensive to do
they may not result in the best plan
they take a long time to do
they require use of a computer
lack of formal education of the planners
【单选题】患者,女性15岁,患再生障碍性贫血,前天参加学校春游,昨天全身酸痛,晚上10时突发双侧鼻腔出血,在门诊行双侧鼻腔前后鼻孔栓塞,止血后收入院,最主要的要观察( )
【单选题】Accommodating peak demands and effectively using labor resources during periods of low demand would be the goal of aggregate planners in
【单选题】以下程序运行时,若从键盘输入9,则输出结果是_______。 #inlude main() { int a=1; scanf(" %d ",&a); if(a++<9) printf(" %d\n ",a); else printf(" %d\n ",a);
【判断题】有以下程序(说明:字符0的ASCII码值为48) #include main() {char c1,c2; scanf("%d",&c1); c2=c1+9; printf("%c%c\n",c1,c2); } 若程序运行时从键盘输入48,则输出结果为 09