【简答题】患者,女,52岁。右上腹阵发性绞痛伴恶心、呕吐12小时,急诊入院,寒战高热,明显黄疸。查体39.4℃,血压95/60mmHg,剑突下压痛,腹肌紧张,血白细胞19×109/L,该患者诊断为急性梗阻性化脓性胆管炎。 急诊手术治疗的原则是A.维持水、电解质平衡 B.解痉镇痛 C.服用大量利胆剂 D.使用大量抗生素 E.胆道减压引流解除梗阻 手术室护士快速处理首选A.建立静脉通道 B.询问患者病史 C.给...
【单选题】Why do many people not agree that people should ride on roads?
Roads are for cars not for cyclists.
People riding bicycles are considered superior.
People's riding on the road is against the law.
People riding bicycles are not experienced.
【简答题】在图示螺钉-压板夹紧机构中,零件1、2、3、4的作用分别是( )、 ()、()、()。
【简答题】The people from the Mars cannot understand why the people on the Earth should crowd themselves in cities. You are invited to write an article to tell three advantages of city life. They are: 1) The ci...
【简答题】The people from the Mars can not understand why the people on earth should crowd themselves in cities on earth. You are invited to list three advantages to them. They are: 1) the city provides people ...
【简答题】How should companies select young people for educational projects? (Why? / Why not?)
【简答题】Why should people keep the ticket after boarding the train? Because they will ________ when they leave.
【简答题】患者男性,58岁。右上腹阵发性绞痛伴恶心、呕吐12小时,急诊入院,寒战高热,明显黄疸。杏体39.5℃.血压90/60mmHg,剑突下压痛,腹肌紧张,血白细胞19×109/L,该患者诊断为急性梗阻性化脓性胆管炎。 急诊手术治疗的原则是A.维持水、电解质平衡 B.解痉镇痛 C.服用大量利胆剂 D.使用大量抗生素 E.胆道减压引流解除梗阻 手术室护士快速处理首选A.建立静脉通道 B.询问患者病史 C.给...