【简答题】[性状鉴别]1根丛生,须状;叶基生,具长柄;叶片皱缩,展平后为卵状椭圆形或宽卵形,长6~13cm,宽2.5 ~8cm,表面灰绿色或污绿色,县明显弧形脉5~7条;先端钝或短尖,基部宽楔形,全缘或有波状疏钝齿;穗状花序数条,花茎长;蒴果盖裂,萼宿存;气微香,味微苦。 [功效]清热利尿通淋,祛痰,凉血,解毒。
【判断题】是吉祥如意和自由幸福的象征 。由于幼树至自然开花需要的时间较长,也比喻没有希望的事。
【简答题】Tom is the manager of the company. He is in charge of the company.
【单选题】Tom is the only one of the students who a scholarship since last year.
【单选题】Tom is _ of the two.
【单选题】Tom is the only one of the students who never late for school.
【单选题】自然界中,有的树木可高达100 m,能提供营养和水分到树冠的主要动力为( )。
【单选题】The young man ____ between Mary and Tom is the chairman of the Student Union.
【多选题】在编译程序采用的优化方法中,( )是在循环语句范围内进行的。