Can we gather a superior way to approach education, perhaps striking a better ___b______ between the ___p_____ of creativity and basic skills? 我们能否寻求一种更好的教育方式,它或许能在创造力与基本技能这两极之间获得某种较好的平衡?
【简答题】下列对诗歌的鉴赏,不恰当的一项是( D )A. 诗人把自己对母校的深情融进了悄然别离时那富于特色的形象和想象中。 B. 徐志摩年轻时曾在康桥读书生活过,对康桥怀有一种特殊的感情。 C. 诗歌中水草、柔波、彩虹、星辉等意象,恰当地衬托了诗人静默、悠然的心境。 D. 诗人运用比喻、拟人、借代等修辞手法,写出了康桥那特有的优美景色。 一语未完,只听后院中有笑语声,说:“我来迟了,没得迎接远客!”黛玉思忖...
【多选题】How do point mutations in regulatory DNA sequences change our ability to digest lactose in milk?
Our earliest ancestors were lactose intolerant, because the enzyme that breaks down lactose—called lactase—was made only during infancy. Adults, who were no longer exposed to breast milk, did not need the enzyme.
When humans began to get milk from domesticated cattle some 10,000 years ago, variant genes—the product of random mutation—enabled those who carried the variation to continue to express lactase as adults, and thus take advantage of nutrition provided by cow’s milk.
We now know that people who retain the ability to digest milk as adults contain a point mutation in the regulatory DNA sequence of the lactase gene, allowing it to be efficiently transcribed throughout life. In a sense, these milk-drinking adults are “mutants” with respect to their ancestors
It is remarkable how quickly this adaptation spread through the human population, especially in societies that depended heavily on milk for nutrition. These evolutionary changes in the regulatory DNA sequence of the lactase gene occurred relatively recently (10,000 years ago), well after humans became a distinct species.