【简答题】工作简报、动态简报都属于长期性简报,而会议简报属于临时性简报。( )
【判断题】工作简报、动态简报都属于长期性简报,而会议简报则属于临时性简报。( )
【简答题】工作简报、动态简报都属于长期性简报,而会议简报属临时|生简报。( )
【单选题】用浓度适宜的 处理,可加速甘薯插条生根。
【判断题】工作简报、动态简报都属于长期性简报,而会议简报属临时性简报。( )
【单选题】工作简报、动态简报都属于长期性简报,而会议简报属于临时性简报。( )
【单选题】多节脱底模的方法是在模底下,设置若干固定支点,固定支点是砖块和木块垫起的支座,在固定支点之间设置活动底模,在混凝土强度达到设计强度的( )以上时,即可拆除活动底模,柱就支承在固定点上。
【多选题】Which of the following sentences are the acceptable equivalents to 这座鸟巢的设计使用寿命可达 100 年,耐火等级为一级。
The Bird Nest was designed to remain functional for 100 years, with its fire resistance capability first-rate.
Designed to remain functional for 100 years, the Bird Nest’s fire resistance capability is first-rate.
The Bird Nest designed to remain functional for 100 years, with its fire resistance capability first-rate.