【简答题】国家兴盛决定本国主权货币在国际货币体系中的地位。阅读材料,回答下列问题。 材料一 在 19 世纪下半叶,以英镑为中心的国际贸易和投资体系覆盖全球, 90% 的国际支付以英镑进行,而印度等国的中央银行则直接持有英镑而不是黄金, “ 英镑等同于黄金几乎是天经地义的事 ” 。 —— 摘自钟伟《国际货币体系的百年变迁和远瞻》 材料二 1844 年,英国国会通过《银行特许条例》,规定英格兰银行分为发行部与银...
【单选题】选出与划线单词意思相同的选项 Ironically , they communicated well because they spoke different languages.
【简答题】工资中代扣的个人负担的养老保险费应做分录是() A 借记“应付职工薪酬”账户,待记“应交税费”账户 B 借记“应付职工薪酬”账户,待记“其他应收款”账户 C 借记“应付职工薪酬”账户,待记“应付账款”账户 D 借记“应付职工薪酬”账户,待记“其他应付款”账户
【简答题】请找出下面每个段落的主题句。 If you hadn't known them, you would have thought Joe and Jim were quite alike. They were both tall and wore long and fair hair. They both walked with a steady stride ( 坚定的步伐 ). They bot...
【单选题】I knew then that they were bigoted , but the culture spoke to me powerfully than my mind and I felt ashamed for being different. What is the meaning of “bigoted”?
【简答题】They were cleaning the dishes, the wife washing while the husband drying. The husband was not a real male chauvinist or a terrible ______ . He always assisted his wife with the housework and co-operat...
【简答题】单词拼写 1. His accent i ____ him as a Frenchman. 2. They drew different c____ from the facts. 3. What is the s____ of this word? 4. Botany falls into the c____ of biology. 5. I'm f____ up with...
【单选题】The prisoners had difficulty communicating with each other because ______.
they were too sick to talk
they distrusted one another
no one felt like talking
they spoke different languages