【单选题】How many association rules can be derived from a frequent 4-itemset?
【单选题】How many comparators should the cache controller include when the cache in the computer storage system adopts the fully association mapping strategy?
The number of comparators matches the number of cache lines
The number of comparators matches the number of caches
【判断题】选用D/A芯片时位数愈多精度愈高,其转换的时间愈长。 ( )
【单选题】有的学前儿童腿长,有的学前儿童腿短些。生长发育的( )
【单选题】How many school districts and the National Education Association criticize the law?
【单选题】线路纵差保护中应选用型号变比相同的CT,以减小( )的影响。
【单选题】成语故事蕴含着丰富的历史信息,下列成语源于春秋争霸的是( )