【简答题】实验室制取常见气体所需装置如下图所示: 请回答以下问题: (1)写出图中带有标号仪器的名称:a__________ ,b __________ (2)选用发生装置B可用来制取__________气体,收集该气体可用装置__________(填装置序号) (3)实验室用加热高锰酸钾的方法制取氧气,应选用的发生装置是__________(填装置序号) (4)小红用家里的小针筒和废药瓶组装成一套微型装置...
【单选题】( )认为,塑性材料屈服破坏的主要原因是最大切应力
【简答题】We regret to find on opening up 10 cases of the glass delivered here yesterday that 10% of the sheets are broken, 50% show bubbles, and nearly all are badly scratched.我们遗憾地发现,在昨天送来的10箱玻璃中,有10%破损,50%起泡...
【简答题】We regret to find on opening up 10 cases of the glass delivered here yesterday that 10% of the sheets are broken, 50% show bubbles, and nearly all are badly scratched.我们打开昨天到的10箱玻璃, 非常遗憾地収现有10%破损, 50%...
【单选题】( )On opening the cases we found that 80 units of Bluetooth Mini Speakers had been damaged by sea-water, and seem to be complete write-offs.
Inconformity to sample/contract
【单选题】On opening the cases we found that 25 sets of video-recorders had ______ by sea-water, and seem to be a completed write-off.