【单选题】In small angle stability, the metacentric height ______.
is found in the hydrostatic tables for a level vessel
multiplied by the displacement yields the righting moment
is calculated by subtracting KG from KM
【简答题】After searching for half an hour she realized that her glasses ________ on the table all the time. A) were lain B) had been lain C) had been lying D) would have been lying
【单选题】在3ds max中,新增加的超级布尔运算比布尔运算,结果更为()
【简答题】编写Python程序,实现“合并排序”分治算法。描述如下: 定义“合并排序”实现函数merge_sort。 merge_sort函数有一个参数:A(表示要排序的序列) 第一步,分解。 第二步,递归。 第三步,合并。 (说明:点开题目上方的“Python在线程序环境”或者在自己电脑上打开IDLE,编写程序代码,调试通过后将代码与运行结果的截图,提交到题目下方的答题框里。)
【单选题】一个线程的run()方法代码如下: try{ sleep(100); }catch(InterruptedExeption e){} 假设线程没有被中断,正确的是( )
【简答题】预习并分组讨论后,课堂回答,可以利用课间或自己制作课件。 鞭毛的结构和运动原理 纺锥体的结构和染色体分离的原理
【简答题】Lisa Ying manages a fixed income portfolio of three bonds as shown in the following table. The duration of her portfolio is closest to: A. 9.24 B. 9.60 C. 28.81