【判断题】The state diagram is called the characteristic finite state machine (CFSM) of the grammar. CFSM is the goto table of LR(0) parsers.
【判断题】LR(k) parsers decide the next action by examining the tokens already shifted and at most k look ahead tokens.
【判断题】LR (k) is the most powerful of deterministic bottom-up parsers with at most k look ahead tokens.
【单选题】发展中国家存在的营养不良问题,下面叙述哪个是正确( )。
【判断题】Sets of LR(0) items will be the states of action and goto table of the SLR parser. A collection of sets of LR(0) items ( the canonical LR(0) collection ) is the basis for constructing SLR parsers.