【简答题】甲公司是一家境内上市公司。2014年6月,甲公司根据财政部会同中国证监会等部门发布的《企业内部控制基本规范》召开了董事会,决定聘请具有证券、期货业务资格的某会计师事务所对公司所属A、B、C三个全资子公司现行内部控制建设情况进行检查,该事务所在检查过程中发现以下问题: (1)A公司对外投资造成巨额损失。2013年3月,A公司原董事长经朋友介绍以2.5亿元从某信托公司购买了一批信托产品,预期年收益率为...
【简答题】• Suppose that one day you are going to do business with a westerner. You'd like to have dinner with him and show him the beautiful sight of your city. But in the westerner's perspective, it has nothi...
【单选题】《信托投资公司管理办法》是( )年公布的。
【判断题】一般工业用气较为均衡,民用气波动较大。( )
【单选题】一般工业用气较为均衡,民用气波动较大。( )
【单选题】下面关于实例和类型明细表的说法错误的是( )
【单选题】Suppose that for the past two months, you have studied economics one hour a day. You now decide to study economics two hours a day. For the past two months, ( ).
your marginal cost of studying economics for an hour must have exceeded its marginal benefit
the marginal cost of studying economics must have fallen
your marginal benefit from studying economics an hour must have been greater than its marginal cost
the opportunity cost of studying economics must have risen.