【单选题】《离》“惟草木之零落兮,恐美人之迟暮。”诗句中的“美人”是指( )。
【判断题】Develop student’s reading skills. This learning objective is appropriately presented. ( )
【单选题】“惟草木之零落兮,恐美人之迟暮”(屈原《离》)中的“美人” 象征什么?
【判断题】图层的颜色实际上是图层中图形对象的颜色。( )
【判断题】Develop student’s reading skills. This expression of learning objective is inappropriately presented. ( )
【多选题】Which of following is the learning objective of this unit?
Have a thorough understanding of the text contextually and linguistically.
Know how to use the key words and expressions in context properly.
Understand the procedure and criteria used by admissions officers and those used by students when they select foreign universities.
Discuss the pros and cons of studying abroad.
Get familiar with the writing of a resume.
【单选题】A learning objective is a statement, in specific and measurable terms that describes what the learner will know and be able to do after completing a lesson.