【单选题】若儿童发生股骨颈骨折,容易发生的并发症是( )
【单选题】儿童发生股骨颈骨折,容易发生的并发症是( )
【单选题】仔细阅读Para.3,补全以下提纲。 Topic sentence: Friendships often end when one or both of the friends change. A. Supporting sentence: It hurt less when both friends change. Details: The breakup is more often mutua...
One friend might change social circles, become involved in new social organizations, start to date, get a pet, or take on some other venture that consumes more time and passion.
Breakups may not be mutual and so one or both friends feel betrayed and end up with bitter memories.
【单选题】完工并经验收的预应力混凝土结构的预应力钢材,按图纸所示和本条规定的相应长度计算,预应力钢材数量以千克 ( kg ) 为单位计量。后张法预应力钢材的长度按()计算;先 张法预应力钢材的长度按()计算。
【单选题】三萜皂苷结构中多具有羧基,所以又常被称为( )。