【单选题】expect someone to do sth
【简答题】题干 同学们,2020年的这个不一样的春天,大家都被父母家人保护在家,不用上班,不用上学,使我们感受不到疫情严峻的直接冲击。当大家对“宅”家感到厌倦,对网课感到枯燥的时候,你是否思考过:疫情也是一本厚重的教材,请问同学们全国甚至是全球的疫情你们的所见所闻让你领悟到了什么?生而为人我们应该如何过好自己的每一天!用1000-2000字畅所欲言你在这场抗议战争中的所见所闻和领悟,你的收获。
【单选题】Der Chef sagt, wir ____ morgen um 8 Uhr im Büro _____ sein.
【简答题】To understand why someone becomes an optimist or a pessimist, it helps to understand what distinguishes them. Say you crash your car. Do you expect good things to happen after the accident-- an easy r...
【单选题】下列各式中,计算正确的是( )
(-4)(-16) = -4 × -16 =(-2)×(-4)=8
41 2 - 40 2 = (41+40)(41-40) =9
【单选题】It is nice to do something for someone else out of the blue and not to expect anything ______.