【简答题】顾某,男,56岁。咳喘反复发作3年,本次发作一月余。现症见:咳逆喘满不得卧,痰白量多呈泡沫状,恶寒发热,腰背疼痛,面浮脚肿,舌质黯,苔白滑,脉弦紧。中医诊断为A、溢饮 B、喘证 C、悬饮 D、支饮 E、水肿 其证型是A、寒饮伏肺 B、痰湿壅肺 C、水湿泛滥 D、肺脾两虚 E、表寒里饮 其首选方剂是A、甘遂半夏汤 B、苓桂术甘汤 C、小青龙汤 D、己椒苈黄丸 E、椒目瓜蒌汤 若患者治疗一段时间后,寒...
【判断题】When b ( in the LR(1) item A→ a • b ,a ) is not empty, the look-ahead does not have any affect. When b is empty (A→ a •,a ), we do the reduction by A→ a only if the next input symbol is a (not for a...
【简答题】过敏性紫癜是较为常见的一种血管变态反应性 性疾病。
【简答题】Fill in the blanks by selecting suitable wordsfrom the word bank. You may not use any of the words more than once. A reduction B weld C involved D levy E approaches F enhance ...
【简答题】A.小青龙汤 B.菱桂术甘汤 C.苓甘五味姜辛汤 D.葶苈大枣泻肺汤 E.真武汤 1.治疗支饮无寒热、身痛等表证,见动则喘甚,易汗,应选用的方剂是() 2.治疗支饮饮多寒少,外无表证,喘咳痰稀或不得息,胸满气逆,应选用的方剂是()
【简答题】A.单纯性紫癜 B.遗传性出血性毛细血管扩张症 C.过敏性紫癜 D.血友病 E.特发性血小板减少性紫癜 属于一种常染色体显性遗传的血管结构异常性疾病的是
【多选题】What is context?
Context denotes some physical environment or setting in which we produce or comprehend utterances.
Context refers to some invisible social or mental factors, esp. Social distance, power relations, encyclopedic knowledge and expectations, that affect the production or comprehension of certain utterances.
Context refers to the preceding utterances and/or the following ones.
Context is equal to physical environment