【多选题】甲、乙、丙、丁四人分别是肖战、易烊千玺、EXO和吴亦凡的粉丝。已知: 1、甲不是肖战的粉丝 2、乙是EXO的粉丝 3、丙不是吴亦凡的粉丝 4、丁既不是易烊千玺的粉丝,也不是吴亦凡的粉丝 由此一定能推出的是( )
【单选题】(on your last legs | on its last legs)My dog Molly is on her last legs. She
a. won't live much longer
b. is no longer on her first legs
c. won't be able to use her legs much longer
d. can't stand on his feet
【多选题】实体有很多属性,其中能够区分同一实体的不同示例的属性可以作为主码。 比如,“易烊千玺”是“明星”实体的一个实例。 那么,“易烊千玺”的哪个属性作为主码比较合理呢?
【单选题】We ______certain livings as birds not because they have long legs or short legs,but because they all have feathers.
【单选题】We ________ certain living things as birds not because they have long legs or short legs, but because they all have feathers. [ ]