【简答题】了解原始社会的典型文化,如仰韶文化、河姆渡文化、 大汶口文化、龙山文化等。 大家好,我是大家的导游曹慧慧。现在大家随我一起去了解大汶口吧。大汶口文化是新石器时代文化。因山东省泰安市大汶口遗址而得名。分布地区东至黄海之滨,西至鲁西平原东部,北达渤海南岸,南到江苏淮北一带,基本处于古籍中记载的少昊氏文化地区,为龙山文化的源头。另外该文化类型的遗址在河南和皖北亦有发现。据放射性碳素断代并校正后得出数据,...
【简答题】阅读理解。 School education is very important and useful. The students both learn knowledge and get an education. Yet, no one can learn everything from school. The scientists (科学家) , such as Edison, Newton...
【简答题】Today, no one thinks of Bill Gates as a failed entrepreneur or a college dropout yet. Both of these things are true of Gates, American richest man and the pioneering genius who leads the computer soft...
【简答题】阅读理解 School education is very important and useful. The students both learn knowledge and get an education. Yet,no one can learn everything from school. The scientists, such as Edison, Newton, Galile...
【多选题】彩陶分布很广,在黄河上游有河南、河北、山西、陕西等地的( ),黄河下游有( )。
【单选题】I thought of God as a strangely emotional being. He was powerful He was forgiving yet obdurate, full of warmth and affection. Both His wrath and affection were fitful, they came and they went, and I c...
had been born in natural surroundings with banks and churches.
never really thought of God as having a real existence.
regarded religion as acceptable as long as it did not interfere.
regarded religion as a way that he could live a spiritual life.