【多选题】凯氏定氮法只能测粗蛋白的含量是因为样品中常含有、、、以及等非蛋白质的含氮物质,故结果为粗蛋白质含量。( )
【判断题】Zookeeper is open source software that provides consistency services for distributed applications based on a set of file system APIs.
【单选题】范老师在进行诗词教学时,通常组织学生在课堂上对有争议的部分进行讨论。在讨论过程中,范老师坚持中立原则,并不对有争议的部分下结论,讨论的最后她也不要求学生达成一致意见,而是尊重参与讨论的学生的不同观点。范老师的课程设计体现了( )。
【简答题】投诉信 A. 我写信是要投诉贵公司热水供应的问题。 B. 经检查发现,路由器不能正常联接互联网。 C. 希望能更换一个新的路由器,或者退货。
【判断题】The open source software community is a monoculture, a single unified community.
【单选题】Which of these software packages are not open source software (OSS)?
Mozilla Firefox Web browser
A Linux operating system
【单选题】Which of the following is an open source software product?
【单选题】---What's your plan for your future? ----________
Our main sales channels will be stores, supermarkets and hypermarkets.
Athletes and those who regularly do sports are our target customers.
I would like to start my own business.
【判断题】Open source software is distributed for free and then users pay for updates to the software.